Gode links

National Badminton Museum, England

Website: - nationalbadmintonmuseum.com

Email: - museum@badmintonengland.co.uk

The Museum is a physical one with a reference library and a website at Badminton England, National Badminton Centre, Milton Keynes MK8 9LA. England.


The Badminton Museum of Ireland

Link: badmintonmuseumireland.ie

The museum is both virtual and physical. Contact info@badmintonmuseum.ie


Badmintonmuseet, Danmark

Link:  badmintonmuseet.dk

The museum is virtual. Contact: john.thrane@outlook.dk


USA Badminton Museums

Link: badmintonmuseum.us and worldbadminton.com/museum

The museums are virtual.  Contact: stan@worldbadminton.com


Polish Badminton Museum

The Polish Badminton Museum is a private collection belonging to Andrzej Szalewicz and Jadwiga Slawska-Szalewicz.

Contact : j.slawskaszalewicz@onet.eu


Badminton New Zealand Museum, Auckland, New Zealand

The museum is physical only, located on the ground floor of the Auckland Badminton Association Hall, 99 Gillies Avenue.

Contact : graemejrobson@gmail.com and richardrackets@gmail.com


The FFBad Badminton Museum, France

The French badminton museum is under reconstruction.

For the time being use the link: http://www.ffbad.org/la-ffbad/memoire-du-badminton/

Contact: bruno.lafitte@ffbad.org


National Badminton Museum


Engelsk hjemmeside


All England Badminton




La Vie du Volant


Fransk hjemmeside og Facebook med sjove historier om ”en fjerbolds liv” og en masse gamle billeder.


The Olympic Museums Network all over the World

Fra BWF Badminton Heritage Working Group har Badmintonmuseet modtaget nedenstående oversigt over Olympiske museer og deres websites fra hele verden.

Ctrl+klik for at følge link til hjemmesiderne.

Contens of The Olympic Museums Network all over the World:

  1. The Olympic Museum, Lausanne, Switzerland
  2. Musée Olympique et Sportif Algérien, Algeria
  3. Sportimonium, Hofstade-Zemst, Belgium
  4. Olympic Experience, Montreal, Canada
  5. The Olympic Experience, Richmond, Canada
  6. China Sports Museum, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  7. Nanjing Olympic Museum, Nanjing, People’s Republic of China
  8. Samaranch Memorial, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China
  9. Tianjin Dagon Olympic Museum, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China
  10. Xiamen Olympic Museum, Xiamen, People’s Republic of China
  11. Estonian Sports Museum, Tartu, Estonia
  12. The Sports Museum Foundation of Finland, Helsinki, Finland
  13. Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum, Köln, Germany
  14. Athens Olympic Museum, Athens, Greece
  15. Thessaloniki Olympic Museum, Thessaloniki, Greece
  16. R. IRAN Museum, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
  17. The Olympic Experience, Tel Aviv, Israel
  18. Nagano Olympic Museum, Nagano, Japan
  19. Sapporo Olympic Museum, Sapporo, Japan
  20. Japan Olympic Museum, Japan
  21. Seoul Olympic Museum, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  22. PyeongChang Olympic Museum, Korea
  23. Norwegian Olympic Museum, Lillehammer, Norway
  24. Peruvian Olympic Museum, Lima, Peru
  25. Museum of Sports and Tourism in Warsaw, Poland
  26. Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum, Doha, Qatar
  27. Singapore Youth Olympic Museum, Singapore, Singapore
  28. Slovak Olympic and Sports Museum, Bratislava, Slovakia
  29. Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch, Barcelona, Spain
  30. Gothenburg Sports Museum, Gothenburg, Sweden
  31. United States Olympic and Paralympic Museum, Colorado Springs, USA
  32. Lake Placid Olympic Museum, USA